Wednesday is for brevity. And shadows.
/Wednesdays. They are a lot. Wednesdays are the days that I cram all of my teaching into one intense day of talking and facilitating and coaching and coaxing and cajoling and reassuring and adjusting and problem-solving. Which actually closely resembles every other day of my life, quite frankly. But on Wednesdays, the recipients of all this LOVE and ATTENTION are my university students, rather than the demanding little people that live in my house. Which brings me to the other component of Wednesdays: I still am the momma. Dinner still has to be made and eaten. WHAT?? AGAIN???
It's Wednesday. Feel free to make your own dinner, fellas.
Wednesdays are excellent in all ways except for finding time to write pithy or poignant posts about joy spotting. So, in order to keep up the #write31days commitment, I am showing myself some grace. Wednesday posts will be SHORT. And mostly VISUAL. But definitely joyful.
Shadow? Oh, shadow? Where have you been?
Credit: the fabulous Miss Erin. :)